Pepsi Bottling Ventures puts their trust in Domino's F720i Fiber Laser

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In a warm, wet—and challenging—coding environment, Pepsi Bottling Ventures counts on Domino’s Fiber Laser to serve up crisp, readable codes, day after day.

In a normal day, a world class Beverage factory - like Pepsi - will push out in the neighborhood of 2,500 can per hour. Plus, in the summer months, temperatures can regularly climb over 90-degrees Fahrenheit in addition to refrigeration units adding their own heat to a factory floor's temperature.

Such is life on your Beverage factory floor. So how do you ensure that all of those aluminum cans are properly coded with date and traceability codes?

Two words: Fiber Laser.

According to Pepsi Bottling Ventures’ Vice President of Engineering Sabri Kundakcioglu, there were three main reasons why Pepsi moved over to Fiber Laser and away from inkjet.

“Quality, productivity and sustainability … these are the three reasons that we converted our can coding to a fiber laser:

  1. Line efficiency is improved
  2. Cost of production has been reduced
  3. Customer complaints about poor printing quality have been reduced.

Our partnership with Domino started way before can coding with fiber technology, but when Domino presented the fiber technology for can coding we didn’t hesitate … and, at the end, we have a great technology working for us."

“Why does Pepsi use Domino laser coding? Because it works!”–Pepsi Bottling Ventures General Manager Mike Collins

Is Fiber laser a good can coding option?

It turns out that the Pepsi partnership was one of the cornerstones during the F720i's initial deployment. Today, it, and its less expensive stablemate, the F520i Fiber laser have been deployed in both soft drink and alcohol factories that utilize aluminum can coding in their operation. 

During our process, we actually have our lasers built into your existing factory line. For Pepsi Bottling Ventures, we integrated our F720i's directly into no fewer than 16 separate facilities. Pepsi, as with all Beverage manufacturers, have to deal with high temperature changes, resulting high humidity from condensation, dust and more. 

As a result, these were amongst the specs built into the capabilities for the 720i before it could be deployed at Pepsi Bottling Ventures. To learn more about our  Fiber Laser lineup, visit the F-Series product page or Contact our product experts directly and we would be happy to answer any of your questions.


Here at Domino North America, we are thankful for his faith in our machinery. And if your facility needs to aluminum cans coded, we can put our Fiber Laser marking Machines to work for you.

Want to learn more? Contact one of our representatives.

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